Viking Valknut Symbol

Posted by Ms Elly on

Viking Valknut Symbol

Valknut was one of the most sacred symbols in Norse mythology and Viking belief. Valknut symbol was known as the Heart of the Slain. Valknut was actually the symbol of Odin the Allfather who was also known as the nonstop seeker after knowledge and the God of Death and War.

The Valknut symbol was completely a suitable symbol for the power of Odin which was the God of Death. Many might fear death but being dead to live with Odin was a desirable thought for many Viking warriors. Because Odin was to host every brave fallen warrior in his Valhalla - Hall of the Slain. The symbol of Valknut always appeared on behalf of Odin and his power. The symbol of Valknut in Norse mythology implied that Odin was there, if he did not save you and you fight as good and brave as they expected, you would be chosen for Valhalla as long as you fought until your last breath. The holy things about Valknut were that it consisted of three interlocking triangles pointing upwards. 

Indeed, Valknut was the symbol of death. But remember that death was not feared by the Vikings. They loved adventures and wanted to discover things. Then everyone in the Viking army would love to welcome their death with both hands. Because they knew that as long as they were dedicated to the battles, they would have a room in Valhalla the dreamland. Being the symbol of death doesn't mean Valknut symbolized the end. It meant that Valknut was the symbol of the afterlife, of something that was going to happen in the near future. That is to say, Valknut is the symbol of both the end and the rebirth in any circumstances.

By far,  Valknut has become a sacred symbol that many Viking lovers and Norse lovers fall for. They choose the holy Valknut to be the inspiration for their Viking tattoo because they expect Odin and his power to be in their life. Like other Viking tattoos such as Rune tattoo or Helm of Awe tattoo, the common places to get a Viking Valknut tattoo can be upper back, biceps, shoulder, etc. 

Image of Viking Valknut tattoo

Image of Viking valknut tattoo

Image of Valknut and Ouroboros tattoo

Valknut and Ouroboros tattoo

Image of Valknut tattoo

Shining Viking Valknut tattoo

Image of Viking Valknut tattoo

Viking Valknut tattoo with runes

Image of Viking valknut tattoo

Image of Viking valknut tattoo with runes

Image of Viking Valknut tattoo

Image of Viking Valknut tattoo

Image of Viking Valknut tattoo

Image of Viking Valknut tattoo

Image of Viking Valknut tattoo

Image of Viking Valknut tattoo

Image of Viking Valknut tattoo

Image of Viking Valknut tattoo


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