BaviPower Viking Blog — Yggdrasil

Does Yggdrasil Tree of Life Have a Soul?
Posted by Ms Elly on
Yggdrasil Tree of Life was one of the most important "things" in Norse mythology. The question is, does Yggdrasil actually have a soul?
- Tags: Viking age, Yggdrasil

Oak Tree Symbolism in Norse Mythology
Posted by Ms Elly on
This blog post is to discuss what is the meaning of oak tree the pillar of the world. In Norse mythology, standing in the middle of the cosmos is the Yggdrasil the Great Oak Tree of Life.

The Three Wells of Yggdrasil
Posted by Ms Elly on
Yggdrasil Tree of Life could not live on its own without the water from the holy wells. Three holy wells were Urdarbrunnr, Hvergelmir, and Mimisbrunnr. Each well was the representation of holy traits that interconnected with the tree and the Nine Worlds.
- 1 comment
- Tags: Norse Mythology, Yggdrasil

Nine Worlds in Norse Myth
Posted by Ms Elly on
The cosmos of the Norse consisted of Nine separate worlds. Those Nine Worlds in Norse myth were the homeland of specific Norse beings. In Norse myth, Nine Worlds were held by the branches of Yggdrasil Tree of Life.
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