Viking Mammen Axe: The Most Luxurious Viking Axe Ever Found

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Viking Mammen Axe: The Most Luxurious Viking Axe Ever Found

Viking Mammen Axe seems to have always been an interesting topic to talk over and over again. Because of its excellent and noble design, Viking Mammen axe always attracted our attention. In this blog, we are to marvel at some excellent images of the Viking Mammen Axe. 

Viking Mammen Axe

Viking Mammen Axe was made from iron with silver inlay. The Mammen axe was found inside a Viking grave in Mammen.

Mammen axe carved into detail in preservation

The Mammen style became common in the Viking age around 800 to 1000s AD. It was one of the major Viking style back to the Viking Age. 

A replica of the Viking Mammen Axe

A replica of the Viking Mammen Axe in the museum 

Viking Mammen style carved on the axe

Viking Mammen style carved on the axe 

Viking axe

Viking Mammen Axe 

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