BaviPower Viking Blog — Viking tattoo

Viking Raven Tattoo
Posted by Ms Elly on
Ravens were one of the most sacred birds in Norse mythology. This was attributed to the direct link between ravens and Odin in the myth. The Viking age witnessed the favor in ravens. Nowadays, ravens have also become so favorite a symbol that many people want to have a Viking raven tattoo.

Norse Wolf Tattoos
Posted by Ms Elly on
Norse Wolves were the most controversial characters in Norse myth. However, people these days have altered their view upon the wolf. The wolves are not viewed as the villains but they are now the inspirational source thanks to their great attributes that they possess. Norse wolf tattoo, thereby, is favored.
- Tags: Viking symbol, Viking tattoo

Thor’s hammer Mjolnir Tattoo
Posted by Ms Elly on
Mjolnir was the name of Thor's hammer. In Norse mythology, hardly could any weapon compare to Mjolnir regarding power and reputation. Until now, Mjolnir has become one of the most favorite symbols for tattoos. The Mjolnir tattoo not only represents Thor's power but also helps express love and respect to Norse myth.

Viking Tattoo
Posted by Ms Elly on
Viking tattoos have become a fountain of inspiration for people in this day and age. Those inspiring Viking tattoos have won the hearts of many due to their unique meanings and strong connection to a glorious historic Viking age.
- Tags: Viking age, Viking tattoo

10 Viking Tattoos and Their Meanings
Posted by Ms Elly on
This blog post will definitely inspire you with 10 meaningful Viking tattoos. Each of this tattoo mentioned has a strong connection with the Norse myth and Viking tales. BaviPower proudly shares with you the meanings of 10 Viking tattoos. Check it out.
- Tags: Rune, Viking age, Viking symbol, Viking tattoo
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