15 Norse Quotes From The Havamal That Instruct a Bold Lifestyle
The Havamal (Hávamál) is "The Sayings of the High One" telling stories about Odin the Allfather and his journey of acquiring knowledge and wisdom. The Havamal is neither heroic or mythological. Rather, it is somewhat didactic.
Even though it came into being thousand years ago, every word from the Havamal never seems to go out of fashion. The reason for this is that they carry the essence of life that is so true that it can last from time to time, passed down from generation to generation, and spread regions to regions. The ethics from the Havamal seem to be a great compass toward the bold lifestyle because they belong to Odin and his experience during his journey to gain knowledge and satisfy his ambition.
1. The nature of friendship
A bad friend lives far away
thought his house lie on your road,
but it's no distance to one who is dear
thought you travel many miles.

2. Caution
Never walk
Away from home
Ahead of your axe and sword.
You can't feel a battle
In your bones
Or foresee a fight
3. Your world isn't just your house
The traveller must
train his wits.
All is easy at home.
He who knows little
is a laughing-stock
amongst men of the world.
4. How to maintain a relationship
A true friend
whom you trust well
and wish for his good will
go to him often
exchange gifts
and keep him company.
5. It is a treasure that you are taking the breath
It is better to live
Than lie dead.
A dead man gathers no goods.
I saw a warm fire
At a wealthy man’s house
Himself dead at the door.
6. How to learn from what surrounds you
The cautious guest
who comes to the table speaks sparingly.
Listen with ears,
Learn with eyes.
Such is the seeker of knowledge.
7. Don't mess with ale if you are weak
A clear head is good company.
Drink is a dangerous friend.
8. Watch your words
Much nonsense a man utters
who talks without tiring.
9. Wake up early and seize the day
Wake early if you want
Another man’s life or land.
No lamb for the lazy wolf.
No battle’s won in bed.
10. Your home is your castle
Better a humble
House than none.
A man is a master at home.
A pair of goats
And a patched roof
Are better than begging.
11. Let's make others appreciate your appearance
Go you must.
No guest shall stay
In one place forever.
Love will be lost
If you sit too long
At a friends’s fire.
12. Experience and wisdom
He is truly wise
Who’s travelled far
And knows the ways of the world.
He who has travelled
Can tell what spirit
Governs the men he meets.
13. Let your death come but your reputation stay
Cattle die
Kinsmen die
All men are mortal.
Words of praise
Will never perish
Nor a noble name.
14. Keep your secret
Ones may know your secret
Is you and your secret
Never a second.
If three, a thousand will know.
15. You gotta depend on none
Advice given by others
is often ill counsel.
Well spoken
Good wisdom finds home in good hearts