BaviPower Viking Blog
Why Thor Chose Goats to Pull Chariot?
Posted by Ms Elly on
In Norse mythology, Thor the God of thunder and storm had a pair of goats for himself to ride across the sky. Their names were Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr. The question is, why Thor chose to ride on a pair of goats instead of many more awesome animals?
- Tags: Nine Worlds, Norse Creatures, Norse Gods, Thor
Viking Bead Necklace Revealed Life Was Not So Dull
Posted by Ms Elly on
A Viking bead necklace with many colors revealed that the Vikings used to have a life with many colors and brightness, unlike the common belief that Viking life was dull and boring.
Viking Ship Is Excavated Again After 100 Years
Posted by Ms Elly on
Finding a ship is never an everyday discovery. Last year, Norwegian archaeologists declared that they have found a Viking ship in Norway with georadar images. This year, a small excavation is conducted.
- Tags: Viking Ships
8 Qualities of A Viking Warrior (Part 2)
Posted by Ms Elly on
Four more Viking warrior qualities tracing back to the Viking Age. The Vikings feared not death, they never stopped learning new things, they dared to dream and dared to turn the dream into reality, and finally, they had a firm faith.
Viking Spillings Hoard: Largest Viking Hoard Ever Found
Posted by Ms Elly on
Viking Spilling Hoard was the largest Viking hoard ever found on the planet Earth.
- Tags: Viking age, Viking Legend
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