Things Modern Work Got Wrong About Norse Gods

Posted by Ms Elly on

Things Modern Work Got Wrong About Norse Gods 

Thor and Norse gods have been gaining so much popularity in the past few years thanks to modern work like movies and comics. If you are Norse enthusiasts, you will quickly identify the difference between original versions and modern versions. But if you are aware of Norse gods through modern art, there are some points that the modern depiction about Norse Gods got wrong. This blog post is to list out some of the difference between the original and the new depiction of major Norse gods. 

1. Thor

In the past, Thor and Odin might have shared the same level of popularity as the Vikings respected and worshipped both of them similarly. However, ever since the adaption of Norse gods into modern art, Thor has become more well-known. 

Image of Thor Norse God

The original Thor is in his flowing red hair and always with beard. He travels in his chariot which will create the sound of thunder whenever it crosses the sky

We know that Thor is the god of thunder and he is the son of Odin, both original and modern version say that. The weapon of Thor is the Mjolnir hammer which helps Thor to create thunder and storm. In the modern version, no one can ever lift the Mjolnir hammer except Thor and he even tosses his hammer to fly. But the Norse mythology doesn't mention any limitation on who can lift the Mjolnir hammer and when Thor falls in Ragnarok, Magni Thor's son inherits the Mjolnir hammer. Thor in Norse mythology often travels in his chariot pulled by two goats. Moreover, the modern Thor is sure to be shocked at the way Norse Thor slays his enemies: commonly smash the skull. 

Thor's wife in Norse mythology is not a human. Rather, she is Sif whose hair is so beautiful. 

2. Odin

Modern Odin still reigns over Asgard but he leaves most of the spotlight for his son, Thor. Both versions of Odin are a man with one eye and a spear. But Odin of the modern version often appears as a great father who loves peace and always wants to avoid war although he always wears the outfit as if he is going to join a battle. The original Odin is a god of war and relentlessly seeks wisdom whatever price he has to pay. 

Image of Odin the Allfather

Odin in Norse mythology is the God of War who throws the spear into the enemies before starting the fight

Odin in Norse mythology loves his sons, especially god Baldur. As the fate knocks the door carrying Baldur to the land of Hel, Odin breaks down and finds many ways to retrieve his son back. Though he fails to do so, we can see the love from a father to his son. 

3. Loki

This triangle cannot miss out the name "Loki". One thing in common of both versions: Loki is complicated. Hardly can we know which side Loki is in until the end when he finally reveals his desire. Modern Loki intends to be more a hero in the end while the Norse Loki savagely puts an end to the glory of Norse gods. Loki in Norse mythology comes from the land of the giant to Asgard and in some accounts, Odin and Loki are mentioned as the blood brother. Meanwhile, the common belief in the modern world is that Thor and Loki are brothers. 

Image of Loki norse mythology

Loki tries to create things but he always ends up dooming everything. The greatest creation of Loki must be Ragnarok which dooms the glory of Norse gods

Loki in Norse mythology tries to create things but what he always ends up messing things up and pissing other people off. For example, he mothers Sleipnir the eight-legged horse which later he offers to Odin (yes, Loki mothers Sleipnir). Things go wrong when he fathers the monstrous children: Fenrir the Wolf swallowing Odin, Jormungand the Serpent whose venom kills Thor, and Hel the Queen of the Dead. 

In Norse version, the final battle in Ragnarok with Heimdall the Asgard's guardian deprives Loki of his life. And obviously, Norse Loki reveals himself as a villian in the end.

4. Sif

Sif the wife of Thor in Norse mythology is not likely to pick up the sword in any battle. The Norse version of Sif is a traditional woman with long blonde hair which Loki mischievously cuts off when she is sleeping. In the meantime, the modern Sif wields sword and joins battle like the depiction of Viking shieldmaiden. 

Image of Loki cut Sif's hair

Loki cut Sif's hair while she was sleeping. Loki reasons that because he is bored so he has to find something interesting to do

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