BaviPower Viking Blog — Thor

Asgard Stronghold of Aesir gods

Who Were Aesir Gods in Norse Mythology?

Posted by Ms Elly on

In Norse mythology, there were two major god tribes: the Vanir and the Aesir gods. However, the dominant one was still the Aesir who lived up in Asgard stronghold on the top branch of Yggdrasil. But who actually were the Aesir gods?

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Three Times in Norse mythology that Norse gods broke their promise

Three Times That Norse Gods Broke Their Oaths in Norse Mythology

Posted by Ms Elly on

Odin broke his oath, so did God Tyr and God Thor. Although in Norse mythology and Viking belief, an oath was of uppermost importance, there were times that the gods went back on their promises.

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Alviss in Norse mythology was a dwarf who almost became the son-in-law of Thor God of Thunder and Storm

Alviss the Dwarf Who Almost Became Thor's Son-in-law

Posted by Ms Elly on

The dwarf named Alviss was an omniscient dwarf in Norse mythology. He was promised Thor's daughter. On the journey to Asgard to take the daughter of Thor, Alviss rested in peace forever.

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Ragnarok the final battle in Norse mythology

Who Won Ragnarok in Norse Mythology?

Posted by Ms Elly on

Ragnarok was the final battle in Norse mythology. It was no ordinary battle because nearly all major characters in Norse mythology fell in this battle. The consequences were hard to accept because Norse Pantheon collapsed and the whole world was set on fire. But the question is, which side won Ragnarok in Norse mythology?

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Viking Cult of Thor Proven by Viking Artifact

Viking Cult of Thor Proven by Viking Artifact

Posted by Ms Elly on

Thor was among the most important in Norse Pantheon. In the Viking age, the Vikings worshipped Thor so much that they created their jewelry depicting Thor and his hammer as the amulet.

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