BaviPower Viking Blog — Nine Worlds

Fenrir the Wolf in Norse mythology

Recipes in Norse Mythology You Won't Find It Anywhere Else

Posted by Ms Elly on

The sound of a cat's footstep, the roots of the mountain, the spit of the birds, the beard of the woman, the sinews of the bear, and the breath of the fish. It was an example of a Norse recipe for a magical chain. Check out this blog post to find out other Norse recipes.

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Three Less Known Norse Creatures, Yet Powerful As Gods

Three Less Known Norse Creatures, Yet Powerful As Gods

Posted by Ms Elly on

In Norse mythology, there was a complicated system of characters that make up its soul. In this blog post, we are to discuss three important Norse creatures who were less known yet super powerful.

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In Norse mythology, there were three Norns who were responsible for creating the course of fate for all beings in the cosmos. No one, even Odin the Allfather, could intervene into what the Norns had decided.

Three Awesome Magical Powers in Norse Mythology

Posted by Ms Elly on

Norse mythology had many one-of-a-kind weapons as well as many magical powers. This blog post would list out three powers and interesting stories around them: seidr power, not-to-be-hurt power, and shapeshifting power.

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Unbelievable Creation Stories in Norse mythology

Three Unbelievable Creation Stories in Norse Mythology You Might Not Know

Posted by Ms Elly on

Norse mythology had it that the cosmos was created from the corpse of the first giant of the universe, Loki mothered a horse whose name was Sleipnir later becoming Odin's favourite steed, and Heimdall was born by Nine Sea Maidens and Odin the Allfather.

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Odin the Allfather in Norse mythology was among the most powerful figures. The reason why he was called the Allfather was that he fathered many great sons. Nearly all powerful gods up in Asgard were the sons of Odin: Thor, Baldur, Heimdall, etc.

Odin and Freya: They Were Remarkably Similar

Posted by Ms Elly on

Odin the Allfather and Freya were among the most powerful figures in Norse mythology. They were the god and goddess of war and both of them shared many things in common as well.

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