Norse God Names Explanation Reveals Their Importance

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Norse God Names Explanation Reveals Their Importance 

Every name in Norse mythology always carried a meaning that referred to their power. This piece of article is to explain the names of some major gods in Norse mythology. 


Odin was the Allfather and the chief god in Norse mythology. His name was as complicated as his character in the myth. Óðinn, Woden, Wuotan, Wotan, or Woðanaz were other ways of writing his name. His name is believed to be a combination of "Odr" and "inn". The former word means "ecstasy, fury, inspiration" while the latter means "the master of". This name "the master of fury and inspiration" fits him very well. There was an account telling that Odin could gladden the soul of his friends when sitting with him (inspiration). But when at war, his appearance could terrify his enemies to death (fury). 

Odin the Allfather in Norse mythology was the Sky God

Odin the One-eyed god in Norse mythology


Thor was the son of Odin in Norse mythology. Other variations of Thor's name included Þunraz, Donar. His name means "Thunder" which refers to his power. In Norse mythology, Thor had a Mjolnir hammer from which he could control thunder and lightning. 

Thor God of Thunder and Storm in Norse mythology

Thor killing Jormungand the Midgard Serpent in Norse mythology 


Loki was as complicated as Odin the Allfather. No one could ever predict what Loki was up to in his mind. He could be both a good ally as well as a traitor within a wink of an eye. The meaning of his name remains a mystery. Many believed that it meant "knot". In Norse mythology, Loki could get on very well with other gods but in the meantime, he could be a troublemaker to the Norse gods. 

That Loki meant "fire" is not true. This was a misunderstanding between two different characters in Norse mythology "Loki" and "Logi". Logi was the embodiment of Fire in Norse mythology and for the almost similar way of writing, readers might get confused with these two figures. 


Baldur was another son of Odin. He was the son of Odin and Frigg the Queen of Asgard. What could be the title for the son of a King and a Queen? It was "Prince". And Baldur also meant "Prince". Baldur was the beloved prince of Asgard and was about to get crowned after Ragnarok the Demise of Gods. 


Frigg was the Queen of Asgard. She was the mother of Baldur and the only official wife of Odin. Frigg means "Love". And in Norse mythology, Frigg was the goddess of Love, Motherhood, and Marriage. She loved and was loved by her people. 

Frigg was the Norse goddess of Love, Motherhood, and Marriage.

Goddess of Love, Marriage, and Motherhood in Norse mythology


Freya was from the Vanir god tribe one of the major god tribes in Norse mythology. Her name means "Lady". She was the goddess of war, beauty, sex, and unofficial love. If Frigg embodied the love of family and official couple, Freya embodied the unofficial love and couple. This "Lady" was also loved and desired by many creatures in the cosmos for her beauty. If anyone came to Asgard offering help to the gods, they would ask for Freya as their bride in return. 


Freyr was the twin brother of Freya in Norse mythology. His name means "Lord". Freyr was the goddess of Summer and Fertility. He was believed to be the ruler of Alfheim the Land of the Elf in Norse mythology. 


Idunn was the guardian of youth fruits in Norse mythology. Her name combines "Id" meaning "again" and "Unna" meaning "to love". Another way to interpret her name was "forever young" or "the rejuvenator". Indeed, the fruits she kept could give everyone the beauty and energy of youth. 


Bragi was the husband of Idunn and he was also the son of Odin. Bragi was the god of poem and music in Norse mythology. His name "Bragi" was derived from the word "Bragr" meaning "Poem". He was responsible for welcoming the warriors in Valhalla on behalf of Odin the Allfather. 

Bragi and Idunn in Norse mythology were a couple

Bragi and Idunn in Norse mythology were a couple 


Magni was one of Thor's sons. He was the strongest god in Norse mythology, much stronger than Thor. Magni was among few gods that survived Ragnarok Doom of Gods. After Ragnarok had passed, Magni inherited the Mjolnir hammer of Thor carrying it into the new world. 

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