BaviPower Viking Blog — Viking Inspiration

How Would It Be Like To Live Inside a Viking Longhouse?
Posted by Ms Elly on
How would it feel like when living inside a Viking longhouse? Or if you are seeking for Viking-styled house design, check out this blog post.
- Tags: Viking Inspiration

Themes in Norse Mythology: Death
Posted by Ms Elly on
The Vikings believed that there were many afterlives when they died. But they where they wanted to go the most was Valhalla the place for the warriors who lived and died as a true warrior.

Were the Vikings Really Brutal?
Posted by Ms Elly on
Were the Vikings really that brutal back in the past? This question has always caused controversies. The answer depends on which point of view you decide to look at it.

8 Qualities of A Viking Warrior (Part 2)
Posted by Ms Elly on
Four more Viking warrior qualities tracing back to the Viking Age. The Vikings feared not death, they never stopped learning new things, they dared to dream and dared to turn the dream into reality, and finally, they had a firm faith.

8 Qualities of A Viking Warrior (Part 1)
Posted by Ms Elly on
This Viking blog post dwells into four out of eight qualities belonging to the Viking warriors.
- Best Viking Quotes
- Drinking Horn
- Fenrir
- Havamal
- How To Be a Viking
- Loki
- Nine Worlds
- Norse Creatures
- Norse Gods
- Norse Mythology
- Norse Worlds
- Odin
- Odin symbols
- Ragnarok
- Rune
- Thor
- Thor's Hammer
- Viking age
- Viking Badass
- Viking Excavation and Artifact
- Viking Great Army
- Viking Inspiration
- Viking jewelry
- Viking Legend
- Viking shieldmaiden
- Viking Ships
- Viking symbol
- Viking tattoo
- Viking Tradition
- Viking War Tactics
- Viking Weapon and Armor
- Yggdrasil