BaviPower Viking Blog — Viking Tradition

Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye Ragnarsson

Sigurd Snake-in-the Eye: Son of Ragnar, Raider, and Ruler

Posted by Ms Elly on

Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye was the son of Ragnar Lothbrok a great Viking hero. Later, on hearing the brutal death of their father, Ragnar's sons formed the Viking Heathen Army coming to England to seek revenge for their father.

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Viking warriors after the battle. The only wish was to die in the battle to get ascended to Valhalla to feast with gods and unite with the fallen fellows. Unfortunately, they won the war again.

Sweyn Forkbeard: Warrior, King, and Slayer of Harald Bluetooth

Posted by Ms Elly on

Sweyn Forkbeard was the son of King Harald Bluetooth who united the Danes under a banner. Sweyn later became a savage warrior who declared war over his father overthrowing Harald Bluetooth and became the next Danish King.

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Viking warriors

Viking Artifacts Revealed International Friendship of the Vikings

Posted by Ms Elly on

Here are some Viking artifacts that revealed the international relations of the Vikings with people from other religion.

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Floki wore the Viking eye makeup in Vikings TV Series

Was Viking Eyeliner Historically Accurate?

Posted by Ms Elly on

The Vikings did really care about their appearance, they always wanted to keep their appeal and hygiene compared with other tribes of their time. This blog post discusses the historical accuracy of the Viking eyeliner.

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Viking warrior with Horned helmet followed by a Viking berserker

Torslunda Plates: Artifacts of Norse Mythology Scenes

Posted by Ms Elly on

Torslunda Plates are the bronze plates depicting the scenes in Norse mythology and belief.

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