BaviPower Viking Blog — Norse Creatures

Fenrir the Wolf, Hel, Jormungand the Serpent were the children of Loki. Long before Ragnarok, Loki's children had dominated the Nine Worlds.

Loki’s Children Dominated The World Before Ragnarok

Posted by Ms Elly on

In Norse mythology, Ragnarok was the Doom of Gods where the Gods would meet the Giants in their last battle. However, some scholars believed that Loki's children (Giants' side) soon dominated the Nine Worlds before Ragnarok happened.

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Types of Wife in Norse mythology that every man desires

Types of Wife in Norse Mythology That Every Man Wants

Posted by Ms Elly on

Four types of wife that every man desires are mentioned in this blog post. This is based on the characters and stories of female figures in Norse mythology.

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Ask and Embla were the first humans on Earth. And it was Odin, Vili, and Ve who created and breathed a life into them.

Ask and Embla: The First Two Humans in Norse Cosmos

Posted by Ms Elly on

Ask and Embla were the first humans existing in Norse cosmos. They were created by Odin, Vili, and Ve the Brothers. The gods created them off from two tree trunks they came across on the shore.

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Var was the Keeper of Promise in Norse mythology. She was evoked to witness the promise among people. Anyone who broke their words would be punished

Vár: The Norse Keeper of Vow that Punished Oath Breakers

Posted by Ms Elly on

Vár was the name of a Norse character that was associated with vows and pledges. She appeared to be the witness of vows of the men. She had the ability to punish those broke their oath because they disrespected their vows which meant they disrespected Var.

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Eir was a mysterious character in NOrse mythology. Sometimes, she was associated with the goddess of healing and sometimes a Valkyrie that saved the life of human warriors in battles.

Eir: A Valkyrie or a Goddess of Healing in Asgard?

Posted by Ms Elly on

Eir is quite an unpopular name when it comes to Norse mythology. However, the story of Eir from Norse sagas is interesting. She was alleged to be either a Valkyrie saving the life of Midgard warriors or a goddess of healing living in Asgard.

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