BaviPower Viking Blog — Viking Tradition

Viking ship burial Viking Salme Ship burial revealed the mystery of the Vikings

Salme Ships: Burials for Elite Viking Warriors Away From Home

Posted by Ms Elly on

The excavation of the Salme burial ships revealed that the Vikings once buried their warriors far away from home but still in their traditional rituals. Two Salme ships once again strengthened the Viking deeply-ingrained belief in their afterlife and their respect toward their traditional rituals no matter where they were.

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Viking longhouse. The Vikings burnt their longhouse to free the soul

Why Did the Vikings Burn Their House When Dead?

Posted by Ms Elly on

The Vikings had a tradition of burning their house when dead. This might not make sense to many of us. This blog post attempts to explain why the Vikings did so in their days. This ritual, in fact, had the traditional importance.

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Viking fact: Many English words originated in the Viking Age. This meant we are speaking the Viking language every day

Ten Common English Words Originated in the Vikings

Posted by Ms Elly on

The Vikings paved the way for many exciting things that we are now lucky enough to inherit them. Among the Viking legacy is the Viking language that gave birth to many of the English words we daily use in this day and age. This blog post is to list out 10 English words that have their roots tracing back to the Viking Age.

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Viking artifact Viking sword Viking legacy

Viking Sacrifice in Rivers and Lakes: To Gods and the Dead Kinsmen

Posted by Ms Elly on

The Vikings once sacrificed valuable items in the rivers and lakes for not only their gods but also their deceased kinsmen. This helped enrich our knowledge about the Viking tradition culture of sacrifice and how much they loved their gods.

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King Harald Bluetooth who built the Jelling stones and unified Denmark and Norway

9 Facts About Danish King Harald Bluetooth

Posted by Ms Elly on

King Harald Bluetooth Gormsson was one of the greatest Viking Kings. He managed to unify Norway and Denmark. King Harald Gormsson also erected the Jelling stone which was the birth certificate of Denmark.

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