BaviPower Viking Blog — Norse Gods

Three powers of Odin the Allfather in Norse mythology

Powers of Odin the Allfather in Norse Mythology

Posted by Ms Elly on

Odin was the king god in Asgard the land of the Aesir gods in Norse mythology. He was also among the most complicated and powerful gods in the myth. Three major powers of Odin the Allfather included Wisdom, Inspiration, and Creation.

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Norse god in Norse mythology

Lóðurr: Friend Of Odin And Creator Of Humanity?

Posted by Ms Elly on

In Norse mythology, there was a god who was called a friend of Odin. His name was Lóðurr and he was also believed to be the creator of humanity. 

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Heimdall the Guardsman of Asgard in Norse mythology

Weapons of Heimdall Asgard Guardsman in Norse Mythology

Posted by Ms Elly on

Heimdall was quite an obscure god in Norse mythology. He was the son of Odin and also the Guardsman of Asgard supervising and protecting Asgard away from those approaching.

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In Norse mythology, Forseti was an obscure god who was the god of justice and reconciliation

Forseti: Son of Baldur and God of Justice and Reconciliation

Posted by Ms Elly on

Forseti was quite an obscure name in Norse mythology. He was among the less known gods in Norse Pantheon. Forseti was the son of Baldur and Nanna which meant Odin the Allfather was the grandfather of Forseti. He was god of justice and reconciliation in Norse mythology.

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The sun and the moon in Norse mythology

Sol and Mani: God of The Sun And The Moon In Norse Myth

Posted by Ms Elly on

In Prose Edda, Sol and Mani were siblings who came from Midgard. They were so beautiful that their human father was always boastful about them. The gods found this human father's arrogance so annoying that they decided to capture Sol and Mani, placing them in the sky.

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