BaviPower Viking Blog — Thor's Hammer

Why Thor Hammer is Becoming Trendy Jewelry?

Why Thor Hammer is Becoming Trendy Jewelry?

Posted by Ms Elly on

Thor was the son of Odin the All-father who ruled over Asgard. For the past five years, Thor has been gaining more and more popularity.

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Thor God of Thunder and Storm

Three Times Thor Got Embarrassed in Norse Mythology

Posted by Ms Elly on

Here are three times when Thor lost his face in front of other people. In Norse mythology, Thor was the symbol of strength, the peacekeeper, and the Asgard defender.

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Viking god of thunder and storm. Why the Vikings worshipped Thor?

Why The Vikings Worshipped Thor?

Posted by Ms Elly on

There are two reasons that help us explain why the Vikings worshipped Thor god of thunder and storm in Norse mythology.

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Odin the Allfather owned the Gungnir spear that never missed its target

What Weapons Did the Gods Use in Norse Mythology?

Posted by Ms Elly on

Weapons in Norse mythology have always been an interesting topic for the Norse and Viking enthusiasts. In this blog post, we list out some awesome Norse weapons that can capture your attention.

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Thor Norse god of Thunder and Storm in norse mythology

What Were Other Thor's Names and How He Gained Them?

Posted by Ms Elly on

Thor was Norse God of Thunder and Storm. He was among the most important gods in Norse Pantheon. Thor had many names just like his father, Odin the Allfather.

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